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Html Reference list

  • a - content is "Inline" except that anchors shouldn't be nested
  • abbr - abbreviation
  • acronym - Indicates an acronym (e.g., WAC, radar, etc.).
  • address - information on author
  • area -
  • b - bold font
  • base - Base tag for document base URI references.
  • bdo - I18N BiDi over-ride
  • big - bigger font
  • blockquote -
  • body -
  • br - forced line break
  • button - Content is "Flow" excluding a, form and form controls
  • caption -
  • cite - Contains a citation or a reference to other sources.
  • code - Designates a fragment of computer code.
  • col - col elements define the alignment properties for cells in one or more columns. The width attribute specifies the width of the columns, e.g. width=64 width in screen pixels width=0.5* relative width of 0.5 The span attribute causes the attributes of one col element to apply to more than one column.
  • colgroup - colgroup groups a set of col elements. It allows you to group several semantically related columns together.
  • dd -
  • del -
  • dfn - Indicates that this is the defining instance of the enclosed term.
  • div - generic language/style container
  • dl -
  • dt -
  • em - Indicates emphasis.
  • fieldset - The fieldset element is used to group form fields. Only one legend element should occur in the content and if present should only be preceded by whitespace. NOTE this content model is different from the XHTML 1.0 DTD, closer to the intended content model in HTML4 DTD
  • form -
  • h1 -
  • h2 -
  • h3 -
  • h4 -
  • h5 -
  • h6 -
  • head - Content model that is combined with a single title and an optional base elements in any order.
  • hr -
  • html -
  • i - italic font
  • img - usemap points to a map element which may be in this document or an external document, although the latter is not widely supported
  • input - form control
  • ins -
  • kbd - Indicates text to be entered by the user.
  • label - Each label must not contain more than ONE field Label elements shouldn't be nested.
  • legend - fieldset label
  • li - list item
  • link - Relationship values can be used in principle for document specific toolbars/menus when used with the link element in document head e.g. start, contents, previous, next, index, end, help to link to a separate style sheet (rel="stylesheet") to make a link to a script (rel="script") by stylesheets to control how collections of html nodes are rendered into printed documents to make a link to a printable version of this document e.g. a PostScript or PDF version (rel="alternate" media="print")
  • map -
  • meta - generic metainformation
  • noscript - alternate content container for non script-based rendering
  • object -
  • ol - Ordered (numbered) list
  • optgroup - option group
  • option - selectable choice
  • p -
  • param - param is used to supply a named property value. In XML it would seem natural to follow RDF and support an abbreviated syntax where the param elements are replaced by attribute value pairs on the object start tag.
  • pre - content is "Inline" excluding "img|object|big|small|sub|sup"
  • q - Indicates an inlined quote
  • samp - Designates sample output from programs, scripts, etc.
  • script - script statements, which may include CDATA sections
  • select - option selector
  • small - smaller font
  • span - generic language/style container
  • strong - Indicates stronger emphasis.
  • style - style info, which may include CDATA sections
  • sub - subscript
  • sup - superscript
  • table -
  • tbody -
  • td -
  • textarea - multi-line text field
  • tfoot -
  • th -
  • thead -
  • title - The title element is not considered part of the flow of text. It should be displayed, for example as the page header or window title. Exactly one title is required per document.
  • tr -
  • tt - fixed pitch font
  • ul - Unordered list
  • var - Indicates an instance of a variable or program argument.

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