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Classes and Modules

Ruby class and modules

Classes and Modules

Ruby provides a couple ways to organize your application. You can put methods and variables into a Class, or you can create methods in a module that can be included in classes. Modules are similar to packages in other languages except that they can be added to classes as a type of mixin to provide extra functionality at runtime.


A class is an instantiable unit that can contain variables and methods for interacting with data. Most of the time a class represents a part of your business model, a controller for request processing or business feature. In a class you can define attribute accessors which streamline the get / set and variable definitions for you.

Example class definition

class Person
  attr_accessor :name
  attr_accessor :birth_year

  def age
    current_date =
    current_date.year - birth_year


person = = "John Smith"

As you can see from the above the birth_year is referencing the attribute accessor of the same name which internally uses a @birth_year variable for the class. Attribute accessors add a setting and getting method to your class based on the name. The setter would be birth_year=, where as the getter would be birth_year.

To create a static method on a class you can refer to the class itself. Self is a keyword in ruby that refers to the parent of the current scope. So when you are defining a class self refers to the actual class, but inside a method self refers to the instance of the class / object. Self is implied inside methods for method calls.

Example static method on a class

class Person
  attr_accessor :name
  attr_accessor :birth_year

  def age
    current_date =
    current_date.year - birth_year

  def self.create


person = Person.create = "John Smith"

As you can see within the static method self refers to the class to create a new instance.


A module is allows you to create methods that can be used as helpers or to overlay on top of a class. You can also add classes to modules for namespacing similar to packaging. At runtime you can add methods to an instance of a class by including / extending a module. Refering to a module element requires the use of :: to indicate the use of a namespace. The preceeding value before :: is the module name and the suffix is the definition within the module, ie. method or class.

Example module

module Models
  class Person

  def self.create_person

# reference the object inside the module
person =
# or use the method on the Models module
person = Models.create_person

In certain cases, you’ll need to refer to a non-module class within a module, since the runtime assumes you are looking in the module itself. In order to do that you’ll need to use :: without a prefix.

Example module referring to non-module

module Models
  class Person
    def role
      @role ||=      


class Role

person =

Note in the above example referencing Role without the :: would also work since there isn’t another Role defined in the example.

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